How to Update the Counter in LazyColumn Items That Are Out of Focus?
Image by Zyna -

How to Update the Counter in LazyColumn Items That Are Out of Focus?

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If you’re a developer working with Jetpack Compose, you might have stumbled upon a common issue: updating the counter in LazyColumn items that are out of focus. It’s a challenge that can have you scratching your head, but fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got the solution right here!

What’s the Problem?

When working with LazyColumn, you might notice that items that are out of focus (i.e., not currently visible on the screen) don’t update their counters as expected. This can be frustrating, especially if your app relies heavily on real-time data updates.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason for this behavior is due to how LazyColumn works under the hood. By default, LazyColumn only lays out and renders items that are currently visible on the screen. When an item goes out of focus, it’s no longer rendered, and any updates to its state aren’t reflected. This is a performance optimization technique to prevent unnecessary computations.

The Solution

Step 1: Use a ViewModel

The first step is to create a ViewModel that will hold the state of your LazyColumn items. This will allow you to update the counter even when the item is out of focus.

class MyViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repository: MyRepository) : ViewModel() {
    private val _counter = MutableLiveData(0)
    val counter: LiveData = _counter

    fun updateCounter() {
        _counter.value = _counter.value?.plus(1)

Step 2: Use a key to Identify Items

In your LazyColumn, use a unique key to identify each item. This will allow you to update the correct item even when it’s out of focus.

    modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
    state = listState
) {
        items = myList,
        key = { index, item -> }
    ) { _, item ->
        MyItem(item, viewModel)

Step 3: Update the Counter

In your MyItem composable, use the ViewModel to update the counter. Since the ViewModel holds the state, it will update the correct item even when it’s out of focus.

fun MyItem(item: MyItemModel, viewModel: MyViewModel) {
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(horizontal = 16.dp)
            .padding(vertical = 8.dp)
    ) {
        Text(text = "Counter: ${viewModel.counter.value}")
        Button(onClick = { viewModel.updateCounter() }) {
            Text(text = "Update Counter")


In the above code, we’ve created a ViewModel that holds the state of the counter. We’ve also used a unique key to identify each item in the LazyColumn. When the user clicks the “Update Counter” button, the ViewModel updates the counter, and since it’s a LiveData, the UI will automatically reflect the change.

Why It Works

The reason this solution works is because the ViewModel holds the state of the counter, and it’s not tied to the Lifecycle of the Composable. Even when the item is out of focus, the ViewModel still holds the correct state, and when the item comes back into focus, the correct state is displayed.

Common Mistakes

When implementing this solution, there are a few common mistakes to avoid:

  • Not using a unique key**: If you don’t use a unique key to identify each item, the LazyColumn won’t be able to correctly update the item when it’s out of focus.
  • Not using a ViewModel**: If you don’t use a ViewModel to hold the state of the counter, the counter won’t update correctly when the item is out of focus.
  • Not using LiveData**: If you don’t use LiveData to observe the state of the counter, the UI won’t automatically update when the counter changes.


And there you have it, folks! Updating the counter in LazyColumn items that are out of focus is easier than you thought. By using a ViewModel, a unique key, and LiveData, you can ensure that your app updates correctly even when items are out of focus. Remember to avoid common mistakes, and you’ll be on your way to creating a seamless user experience.

Keyword Explanation
LazyColumn A composable that displays a vertically scrolling list of items.
ViewModel A class that holds the state of the app and provides a way to update the state.
Livedata A class that provides a way to observe the state of the app and automatically update the UI.
Unique Key A unique identifier for each item in the LazyColumn that allows the Compose to correctly update the item.

By following these steps and explanations, you’ll be able to update the counter in LazyColumn items that are out of focus with ease. Happy coding!


  1. Q: What if I’m not using a ViewModel?

    A: If you’re not using a ViewModel, you can create a separate class to hold the state of the counter and update it accordingly.

  2. Q: Can I use this solution for other types ofCompose layouts?

    A: Yes, this solution can be adapted for other types of Compose layouts, such as LazyRow or Grid.

  3. Q: What if I’m using a different architecture pattern?

    A: If you’re using a different architecture pattern, such as MVP or MVI, you can adapt this solution to fit your pattern.

We hope this article has been helpful in solving the common issue of updating the counter in LazyColumn items that are out of focus. If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask!

Frequently Asked Question

If you’re struggling to update the counter in LazyColumn items that are out of focus, fear not! We’ve got the answers to get you back on track.

Why won’t my LazyColumn item counters update when they’re out of focus?

LazyColumn only recomposes and updates the items that are currently in focus, by design. This means that if an item is scrolled out of view, its state won’t be updated until it comes back into focus.

Is there a way to force LazyColumn to update all items, including those out of focus?

While there isn’t a built-in way to force LazyColumn to update all items, you can use a workaround like storing the counter state in a ViewModel or Repository, and then updating it there. This way, when the items come back into focus, they’ll reflect the updated state.

How can I trigger an update for LazyColumn items when they come back into focus?

One way to trigger an update is by using the LazyColumn’s `items` property and providing a new list of items when the focus changes. You can also use the `invalidate()` function to force a recomposition of the LazyColumn.

Can I use LiveData or Flow to update my LazyColumn items in the background?

Yes, you can use LiveData or Flow to update your LazyColumn items in the background. By observing the LiveData or collecting the Flow in your ViewModel, you can trigger updates to your items even when they’re out of focus.

Are there any performance considerations I should be aware of when updating LazyColumn items out of focus?

Yes, updating LazyColumn items out of focus can impact performance, especially if you have a large list of items. Be mindful of the frequency and complexity of updates, and consider using pagination or debouncing to minimize the performance impact.

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