What is the Python function to perform a linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates?
Image by Zyna - hkhazo.biz.id

What is the Python function to perform a linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates?

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Are you tired of dealing with missing data in your time series? Do you want to fill those pesky gaps and make your dataset smooth and shiny? Well, you’re in luck because today we’re going to dive into the magical world of linear interpolation in 3D coordinates using Python!

What is Linear Interpolation?

Before we dive into the Python function, let’s quickly cover what linear interpolation is. Linear interpolation, also known as lerp, is a method of estimating a value between two known values. It’s like drawing a straight line between two points and finding the value at a specific point on that line.

In the context of time series data, linear interpolation is used to fill missing values by creating a straight line between the surrounding known values. This is especially useful when dealing with 3D coordinates, where missing data can be detrimental to analysis and visualization.

Using SciPy for Linear Interpolation in 3D Coordinates

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get to the good stuff! To perform linear interpolation in 3D coordinates using Python, we’ll be using the SciPy library. Specifically, we’ll be using the `interpolate` module, which provides a range of interpolation methods, including linear interpolation.

To get started, you’ll need to import the necessary modules:

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

Preparing Your Data

Before we can perform linear interpolation, we need to prepare our data. Let’s assume we have a 3D coordinate time series dataset with missing values:

time_series = np.array([
    [0, 1, 2, np.nan, 5],
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

x_coords = time_series[:, 0]
y_coords = time_series[:, 1]
z_coords = time_series[:, 2]

In this example, we have a 3D coordinate time series dataset with shape (3, 5), where each row represents a coordinate (x, y, z) at a specific time step. The `np.nan` value represents a missing value.

Performing Linear Interpolation

Now that we have our data prepared, we can perform linear interpolation using the `interp1d` function:

x_interp = interp1d(x_coords, x_coords, kind='linear', fill_value="extrapolate")
y_interp = interp1d(y_coords, y_coords, kind='linear', fill_value="extrapolate")
z_interp = interp1d(z_coords, z_coords, kind='linear', fill_value="extrapolate")

In this example, we’re creating three separate interpolation objects for each coordinate (x, y, z). The `kind=’linear’` argument specifies that we want to use linear interpolation, and the `fill_value=”extrapolate”` argument tells SciPy to extrapolate the interpolated values beyond the bounds of the original data.

Interpolating Missing Values

Now that we have our interpolation objects, we can use them to interpolate the missing values:

x_interp_values = x_interp(np.arange(5))
y_interp_values = y_interp(np.arange(5))
z_interp_values = z_interp(np.arange(5))

In this example, we’re using the `interp` objects to interpolate the values at each time step (0, 1, 2, 3, 4). The resulting arrays `x_interp_values`, `y_interp_values`, and `z_interp_values` will contain the interpolated values for each coordinate.

Visualizing the Interpolated Data

Now that we’ve interpolated the missing values, let’s visualize the data to see the results:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

ax.scatter(x_interp_values, y_interp_values, z_interp_values)


This code will create a 3D scatter plot of the interpolated data. You should see a smooth, continuous curve representing the interpolated values.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when using linear interpolation in 3D coordinates:

  • Make sure to handle missing values properly. In this example, we used `np.nan` to represent missing values, but you may need to use a different method depending on your dataset.
  • Choose the right interpolation method for your dataset. Linear interpolation may not always be the best choice, especially if your data is non-linear or has a complex shape.
  • Be aware of the extrapolation behavior. In this example, we used `fill_value=”extrapolate”` to extrapolate the interpolated values beyond the bounds of the original data. However, this may not always be desirable, especially if your data has a limited range.
  • Consider using other interpolation methods, such as spline interpolation or nearest-neighbor interpolation, depending on your specific needs.


In this article, we covered the Python function to perform linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates using SciPy. We showed how to prepare our data, perform linear interpolation, and visualize the results using 3D scatter plots. By following these steps, you should be able to fill those pesky gaps in your dataset and make your data shine!

Remember to handle missing values properly, choose the right interpolation method, and be aware of extrapolation behavior. With these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a linear interpolation master!

Function Description
interp1d Interpolate 1D data using a variety of methods, including linear interpolation.
nan Representation of a missing value in NumPy.
linear Interpolation method that fits a straight line between two points.
fill_value Argument that specifies how to handle extrapolation behavior.


  1. SciPy Documentation: interp1d
  2. NumPy Documentation: nan

We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new! If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Python and linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates!

What is the best Python function to perform a linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates?

The best Python function to perform a linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates is scipy.interpolate.griddata. This function takes in 3D coordinates and an array of values, and returns a 3D grid of interpolated values.

Can I use the numpy library to perform linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates?

While NumPy is an amazing library, it’s not the best choice for linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates. NumPy is great for numerical operations, but for interpolation, you’ll want to use scipy.interpolate.griddata or scipy.interpolate.interp1d for 1D interpolation and scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator for higher-dimensional interpolation.

How do I handle missing values in my time series data when performing linear interpolation?

Missing values can be a real pain! To handle them, you can use the numpy.nan (Not a Number) value to represent missing data. Then, use the scipy.interpolate.griddata function with the `fill_value` argument set to `numpy.nan` to ignore these missing values during interpolation.

Can I use linear interpolation to handle noisy or irregularly sampled data?

While linear interpolation can work with noisy or irregularly sampled data, it’s not the best choice. In such cases, you may want to consider using more advanced interpolation techniques, such as Gaussian process regression or radial basis function interpolation, which can handle noisy and irregular data more effectively.

Are there any other libraries or techniques I can use for linear interpolation of time series in 3D coordinates?

Yes! Besides scipy, you can also use other libraries like PyMC3, which provides a Bayesian approach to interpolation, or even the interp3 function from the matplotlib library. Additionally, techniques like Kriging, natural neighbor interpolation, or inverse distance weighting can be used for more complex interpolation tasks.

Hope this helps!