CMake Build Results in -ljsoncpp: Shouldn’t it Use libjsoncpp.a Instead?
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CMake Build Results in -ljsoncpp: Shouldn’t it Use libjsoncpp.a Instead?

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Are you tired of dealing with CMake build issues related to the jsoncpp library? Specifically, have you ever wondered why CMake insists on linking against -ljsoncpp instead of the expected libjsoncpp.a? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the reasons behind this behavior and provide you with clear instructions on how to resolve the issue.

Understanding the Problem

When building a project that relies on the jsoncpp library, CMake might generate a linker command that includes the -ljsoncpp flag. This can lead to confusion, especially if you’re accustomed to working with static libraries like libjsoncpp.a. You might be wondering why CMake doesn’t use the static library instead of the dynamic one. Let’s explore the reasons behind this behavior.

The Role of CMake and Linker Flags

CMake is a build system generator that creates platform-independent build files for your project. When you specify a dependency on jsoncpp in your CMakeLists.txt file, CMake will automatically generate the necessary linker flags to link against the jsoncpp library.

find_package(jsoncpp REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(my_project ${JSONCPP_LIBRARIES})

In this example, CMake will find the jsoncpp library and generate the necessary linker flags to link against it. The resulting linker command might include the -ljsoncpp flag, which tells the linker to search for a dynamic library named (or libjsoncpp.dylib on macOS).

The Difference Between Dynamic and Static Libraries

Before we dive deeper into the solution, let’s quickly review the difference between dynamic and static libraries.

Type Description
Dynamic Library A dynamic library is a shared object file that contains compiled code that can be linked against at runtime. It’s typically used to reduce memory usage and allow for easier updates.
Static Library A static library is an archive file that contains compiled code that’s linked against at compile-time. It’s typically used to create self-contained executables with no dependencies.

In the case of jsoncpp, both dynamic and static libraries are available. The dynamic library is usually named (or libjsoncpp.dylib on macOS), while the static library is named libjsoncpp.a.

The Reason Behind -ljsoncpp

So, why does CMake use the -ljsoncpp flag instead of linking against libjsoncpp.a? The answer lies in the way CMake handles library dependencies.

By default, CMake prefers to use dynamic libraries over static ones. This is because dynamic libraries offer several advantages, including:

  • Faster compilation times
  • Smaller executable sizes
  • Easier library updates

However, in some cases, you might want to use static libraries instead. This is where things get interesting.

Forcing CMake to Use libjsoncpp.a

To force CMake to use the static library libjsoncpp.a instead of the dynamic one, you’ll need to modify your CMakeLists.txt file. Here’s an example:

find_package(jsoncpp REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(my_project ${JSONCPP_LIBRARIES})

By setting the JSONCPP_USE_STATIC_LIBS variable to YES, you’re telling CMake to prefer the static library over the dynamic one. This will result in the linker command using the libjsoncpp.a file instead of the -ljsoncpp flag.

If you’re using CMake 3.10 or later, you can use the LINK 靭 STATIC flag to specify the linking type for a specific library. Here’s an example:

find_package(jsoncpp REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(my_project LINK 靭 STATIC ${JSONCPP_LIBRARIES})

This approach is more explicit and flexible, as it allows you to control the linking type on a per-library basis.

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with CMake using the wrong library, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check the CMake output: Make sure the CMake output indicates that it’s finding the correct library. You can do this by running CMake with the –debug-output flag:

    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug --debug-output
  2. Vérify the library paths: Double-check that the library paths are correct and that the static library libjsoncpp.a exists in the specified location.

  3. Check for conflicts: If you’re using other libraries that depend on jsoncpp, ensure that they’re not conflicting with your static library configuration.


In conclusion, CMake’s behavior of using the -ljsoncpp flag instead of libjsoncpp.a is by design. By understanding the reasons behind this behavior and using the correct techniques to force CMake to use the static library, you can successfully build your project with the desired library configuration.

Remember to always check the CMake output and library paths to ensure that everything is configured correctly. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to resolving CMake build issues related to jsoncpp and other libraries.

Final Thoughts

As developers, we’ve all been there – stuck on a problem that seems insurmountable. But with patience, persistence, and a willingness to learn, we can overcome even the most daunting challenges.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy building!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on cmake build results and libjsoncpp.a!

Why does cmake build result in -ljsoncpp instead of libjsoncpp.a?

Cmake uses the -l flag to specify a library to link against. In this case, -ljsoncpp tells the linker to link against the jsoncpp library. The actual file used for linking is determined by the linker, which in this case is libjsoncpp.a. So, don’t worry, cmake is doing its job correctly!

Is there a way to force cmake to use libjsoncpp.a explicitly?

Yes, you can! Although not recommended, you can use the LINK_FLAGS property in cmake to specify the exact library file to use. For example, set(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS “${CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS} /usr/local/lib/libjsoncpp.a”) would force the linker to use the libjsoncpp.a file. However, this approach is not portable and can lead to issues on different platforms.

What’s the difference between -ljsoncpp and libjsoncpp.a?

The -ljsoncpp flag is a linker flag that tells the linker to search for a library named libjsoncpp. The actual file used for linking can be libjsoncpp.a,, or libjsoncpp.dylib depending on the platform. libjsoncpp.a is the actual static library file, whereas -ljsoncpp is a shorthand way to specify the library.

Can I use -ljsoncpp with dynamic linking?

Yes, you can! When you use -ljsoncpp, the linker will search for a dynamic library (e.g., if available, and use it for dynamic linking. If a dynamic library is not found, it will fall back to using the static library (libjsoncpp.a) if present. This behavior can be influenced by the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS cmake variable.

Why does cmake prefer static linking over dynamic linking?

Cmake, by default, prefers static linking over dynamic linking for libraries because it ensures that the resulting executable is self-contained and does not rely on external dependencies. This approach simplifies deployment and reduces the risk of library version conflicts. However, you can modify this behavior using cmake’s BUILD_SHARED_LIBS variable.

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