Unlocking Insights: Monitor Metric in the Last 24 Hours using New Relic with Terraform
Image by Zyna - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking Insights: Monitor Metric in the Last 24 Hours using New Relic with Terraform

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As modern applications continue to evolve, monitoring performance and metrics becomes more crucial than ever. New Relic, a leading observability platform, offers unparalleled insights into your application’s health and performance. Terraform, an infrastructure-as-code tool, enables you to manage and provision infrastructure resources with ease. In this article, we’ll explore how to monitor metrics in the last 24 hours using New Relic with Terraform, providing you with a comprehensive guide to unlock valuable insights into your application’s performance.

Setting up New Relic and Terraform

Before diving into the meat of the article, let’s cover the basics. You’ll need to set up New Relic and Terraform on your system. Follow these steps:

  1. Create a New Relic account and download the New Relic agent for your specific programming language (e.g., Java, Python, etc.).

  2. Install Terraform on your system by following the official installation guide.

  3. Set up your Terraform configuration file (main.tf) with the necessary providers and credentials.

With New Relic and Terraform set up, let’s move on to creating a monitoring metric.

Creating a Monitoring Metric in New Relic

Log in to your New Relic account and navigate to the APM > Metric section. Click the New metric button to create a new metric.

In the Create metric form, fill in the required details:

Field Description
Metric name Enter a name for your metric (e.g., “Request latency”).
Select the unit of measurement for your metric (e.g., milliseconds).
Type Select the type of metric (e.g., gauge, counter, etc.).
Enter a brief description of your metric.

Click Create metric to save your new metric.

Configuring Terraform to Monitor the Metric

In your Terraform configuration file (main.tf), add the following code to create a New Relic resource:

provider "newrelic" {
  account_id = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"
  api_key   = "YOUR_API_KEY"
  region    = "US"

resource "newrelic_metric" "request_latency" {
  name        = "Request latency"
  unit        = "milliseconds"
  type        = "gauge"
  description = "Average request latency in the last 24 hours"

Replace YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID and YOUR_API_KEY with your actual New Relic account ID and API key.

In the resource "newrelic_metric" "request_latency" block, we’re creating a new metric resource with the same details as the metric we created in New Relic.

Querying the Metric in the Last 24 Hours

To query the metric in the last 24 hours, we’ll use the New Relic NRQL (New Relic Query Language) query language. Add the following code to your Terraform configuration file:

data "newrelic_nrql_query" "request_latency_last_24h" {
  account_id = "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID"
  query      = "SELECT average(request_latency) FROM Metric WHERE timestamp > NOW() - 24 HOUR"

This NRQL query selects the average request latency metric for the last 24 hours.

Visualizing the Metric in New Relic

To visualize the metric in New Relic, navigate to the APM > Metrics section and click on the metric you created earlier (e.g., “Request latency”).

In the metric details page, click the Chart button to view the chart for the last 24 hours.

You should now see a chart displaying the average request latency for the last 24 hours.

Automating Metric Creation and Querying with Terraform

To automate the process of creating and querying metrics, we can use Terraform’s built-in functionality to manage infrastructure resources.

Create a new file called variables.tf with the following content:

variable "newrelic_account_id" {
  type        = string
  description = "New Relic account ID"

variable "newrelic_api_key" {
  type        = string
  description = "New Relic API key"

In your main.tf file, add the following code to create a new metric resource and query the metric in the last 24 hours:

resource "newrelic_metric" "request_latency" {
  name        = "Request latency"
  unit        = "milliseconds"
  type        = "gauge"
  description = "Average request latency in the last 24 hours"

data "newrelic_nrql_query" "request_latency_last_24h" {
  account_id = var.newrelic_account_id
  query      = "SELECT average(request_latency) FROM Metric WHERE timestamp > NOW() - 24 HOUR"

output "request_latency_last_24h" {
  value = data.newrelic_nrql_query.request_latency_last_24h.result

Run terraform init and terraform apply to deploy the metric resource and query the metric in the last 24 hours.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to monitor metrics in the last 24 hours using New Relic with Terraform. By leveraging the power of New Relic’s observability platform and Terraform’s infrastructure-as-code capabilities, you can automate the process of creating and querying metrics, gaining valuable insights into your application’s performance.

Remember to replace the placeholders with your actual New Relic account ID and API key. With this setup, you’ll be able to monitor and analyze your application’s performance with ease, making data-driven decisions to optimize your application’s performance.

Happy monitoring!

Further Reading

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on monitoring metrics in the last 24 hours using New Relic with Terraform. We’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

What is the best way to monitor metrics in the last 24 hours using New Relic with Terraform?

To monitor metrics in the last 24 hours using New Relic with Terraform, you can create a custom dashboard in New Relic that displays the metrics you’re interested in, and then use Terraform to deploy and manage the infrastructure that collects and sends those metrics to New Relic. You can also use New Relic’s built-in features, such as NRQL queries, to fetch and display the data.

How do I configure New Relic to display metrics from the last 24 hours?

To configure New Relic to display metrics from the last 24 hours, you can use the “since” and “until” parameters in your NRQL queries to specify the time range. For example, you can use the query `SELECT * FROM Metric WHERE timestamp > now() – 24 hours` to fetch metrics from the last 24 hours. You can also use New Relic’s built-in time picker to select the desired time range.

What is the role of Terraform in monitoring metrics with New Relic?

Terraform plays a crucial role in monitoring metrics with New Relic by providing a way to deploy and manage the infrastructure that collects and sends metrics to New Relic. Terraform allows you to define the infrastructure as code, which makes it easier to manage and version your infrastructure. This ensures that your New Relic setup is consistent and reproducible across different environments.

Can I use New Relic’s API to fetch metrics from the last 24 hours?

Yes, you can use New Relic’s API to fetch metrics from the last 24 hours. New Relic provides a REST API that allows you to query and fetch data from your account. You can use the API to fetch metrics from the last 24 hours by specifying the desired time range in your API request. For example, you can use the API endpoint `GET /v2/query` with the query parameter `since=24 hours ago` to fetch metrics from the last 24 hours.

How do I troubleshoot issues with my New Relic setup using Terraform?

To troubleshoot issues with your New Relic setup using Terraform, you can use Terraform’s built-in logging and debugging features. You can also use New Relic’s logs and troubleshooting tools to identify and fix issues with your setup. Additionally, you can review your Terraform configuration files to ensure that they are correct and that the infrastructure is deployed correctly.