Why the Icon of FloatingButton in Compose Will Not Change When Some Value Changed: Uncovering the Mystery
Image by Zyna - hkhazo.biz.id

Why the Icon of FloatingButton in Compose Will Not Change When Some Value Changed: Uncovering the Mystery

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If you’re an Android developer working with Jetpack Compose, you might have stumbled upon a perplexing issue: the icon of the floating button refuses to change when some value is altered. It’s as if the icon is stuck in a time warp, oblivious to the changes happening around it. But fear not, dear developer! This article will delve into the depths of this conundrum, providing clear explanations and solutions to get your floating button icon aligned with the changing values.

The Mysterious Case of the Unchanging Icon

Let’s dive into a typical scenario where this issue arises. Imagine you have a Compose function that displays a floating button with an icon. The icon is supposed to change based on some condition or state. You’ve written the code, and it looks something like this:

fun MyFloatingButton(
    viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel(),
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
    val icon = if (viewModel.isConditionMet) {
    } else {
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = { /* handle click */ }
    ) {
        Icon(imageVector = icon, contentDescription = "Floating button icon")

At first glance, this code seems reasonable. You’re using a conditional statement to set the icon based on the `isConditionMet` state. However, when you run the app, you notice that the icon remains stubbornly unchanged, even when the condition is met.

The Culprit: Compose’s Caching Mechanism

Compose, by design, uses a caching mechanism to optimize performance. This mechanism, also known as “recomposition,” helps Compose to only re-render the parts of the UI that have changed. While this is beneficial for performance, it can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior, like the unchanging icon.

In this case, the issue arises because Compose is caching the `icon` value based on the `isConditionMet` state. When the state changes, Compose doesn’t re-run the `icon` calculation, resulting in the same icon being displayed.

Solutions to the Icon Conundrum

Now that we’ve identified the culprit, let’s explore the solutions to this problem.

1. Using `mutableStateOf` and `observeAsState`

One approach is to use `mutableStateOf` from Compose to create a mutable state for the icon. Then, observe this state using `observeAsState` to get the latest value.

fun MyFloatingButton(
    viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel(),
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
    val iconState = mutableStateOf(Icons.Filled.Add)
    val icon by iconState.observeAsState(Icons.Filled.Add)
    viewModel.isConditionMet.observeAsState(initial = false) { conditionMet ->
        if (conditionMet) {
            iconState.value = Icons.Filled.Remove
        } else {
            iconState.value = Icons.Filled.Add
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = { /* handle click */ }
    ) {
        Icon(imageVector = icon, contentDescription = "Floating button icon")

In this example, we create a `mutableStateOf` for the icon and observe its value using `observeAsState`. When the `isConditionMet` state changes, we update the `iconState` value, which in turn triggers a recomposition of the `FloatingActionButton` and updates the icon.

2. Using `remember` and `invalidate`

Another approach is to use `remember` to create a memoized value for the icon and `invalidate` to trigger a recomposition when the state changes.

fun MyFloatingButton(
    viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel(),
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
    val icon = remember(viewModel.isConditionMet) {
        if (viewModel.isConditionMet) {
        } else {
    viewModel.isConditionMet.observeAsState(initial = false) { conditionMet ->
        if (conditionMet != viewModel.isConditionMet) {
            remember { icon }!!.invalidate()
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = { /* handle click */ }
    ) {
        Icon(imageVector = icon, contentDescription = "Floating button icon")

In this example, we use `remember` to create a memoized value for the icon based on the `isConditionMet` state. When the state changes, we invalidate the memoized value using `invalidate`, which triggers a recomposition of the `FloatingActionButton` and updates the icon.

3. Using a Separate Composable Function

A third approach is to create a separate Composable function for the icon and pass the state as a parameter.

fun IconComposable(icon: ImageVector) {
    Icon(imageVector = icon, contentDescription = "Floating button icon")

fun MyFloatingButton(
    viewModel: MyViewModel = viewModel(),
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
    val icon = if (viewModel.isConditionMet) {
    } else {
        modifier = modifier,
        onClick = { /* handle click */ }
    ) {
        IconComposable(icon = icon)

In this example, we create a separate Composable function `IconComposable` that takes the icon as a parameter. We then call this function from the `MyFloatingButton` Composable, passing the calculated icon value as an argument.


In conclusion, the unchanging icon of the floating button in Compose can be resolved by using one of the three approaches mentioned above: `mutableStateOf` and `observeAsState`, `remember` and `invalidate`, or a separate Composable function. By understanding the caching mechanism of Compose and using these solutions, you can ensure that your icon updates correctly when the state changes.

Approach Description
1. Using `mutableStateOf` and `observeAsState` Create a mutable state for the icon and observe its value using `observeAsState`.
2. Using `remember` and `invalidate` Create a memoized value for the icon using `remember` and invalidate it when the state changes.
3. Using a separate Composable function Create a separate Composable function for the icon and pass the state as a parameter.

By applying these solutions, you’ll be able to update the icon of your floating button in harmony with the changing values, ensuring a seamless user experience.


  • Why does Compose cache the icon value?

    Compose caches the icon value to optimize performance by reducing unnecessary recompositions.

  • What is the difference between `remember` and `mutableStateOf`?

    `remember` creates a memoized value that can be invalidated, while `mutableStateOf` creates a mutable state that can be observed and updated.

  • Can I use a single approach for all my Compose projects?

    No, the best approach depends on the specific requirements of your project and the complexity of the state changes.

With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to tackle the icon conundrum in your Compose projects. By understanding the root cause and applying the solutions, you’ll be able to create seamless and responsive UIs that delight your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered why the icon of the floating action button in Compose doesn’t change when some value changes? We’ve got the answers!

Why doesn’t the icon change when I update the-compose-state?

It’s because the floating action button’s icon is not observing the Compose state changes. You need to use a mutable state object or a delegated property to trigger a recomposition when the icon should change.

I’m using a viewModel, why isn’t the icon updated when the viewModel’s state changes?

This might be because you’re not using a Compose-compatible observable mechanism, like `LiveData` or `Flow`, to notify Compose of the changes. Make sure to use one of these to trigger a recomposition when the icon should change.

I’ve tried using `mutableStateOf` but the icon still doesn’t update. What’s going on?

Double-check that you’re actually updating the `mutableStateOf` value correctly and that you’re not accidentally creating a new instance of the state object instead of updating the existing one. Also, ensure that the Compose function is actually observing the state object.

Can I use a coroutine to update the icon?

While you can use a coroutine to update the state, it won’t trigger a recomposition automatically. You still need to use a Compose-compatible observable mechanism to notify Compose of the changes. Use `withContext` or `launch` with a scope that’s tied to the Compose tree’s lifecycle to ensure the update is properly observed.

Why does it work sometimes, but not others?

This might be due to the Compose optimization mechanism, which can reuse or skip recompositions under certain circumstances. To avoid this, ensure that you’re correctly observing the state changes and using a Compose-compatible observable mechanism to trigger recompositions.

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